Improving Employee Safety

Traditional inventory monitoring practices can pose significant safety risks to warehouse inventory teams, especially when they are doing manual cycle counting. To ensure safety, cycle counters climb onto heavy machinery like scissor lifts, put on a safety harness, and tether themselves to the equipment so they can ascend to great heights within the racks to physically count boxes, risking potential accidents and injuries.
Benefits of Drone-based Inventory Monitoring
At Barrett Distribution, drones now handle the task of cycle counting, and workers are no longer exposed to the hazards of climbing onto heavy machinery and navigating precarious heights to count. By replacing the previously risky practice of manual cycle counting, where employees had to climb onto heavy equipment and ascend high up in the racks to count boxes, with our innovative drone-powered inventory monitoring solution, Barrett reduced their risk of employee accidents.
- Eliminating manual cycle counting high up in warehouse racks improves safety
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